I was scheduled to present Integrating Help, Technical Support, and Training Content in Washington DC on October 29, 2012. Unfortunately, Hurricane Sandy had other plans for me. We are in the process of scheduling a webinar for the Washington DC-Metro chapter, potentially for April 2013. I am looking forward to exploring the topic of integrating content across departments with my colleagues in the Washington DC and Baltimore area.
Visiting Florida STC Chapters
I had the pleasure of visiting three STC chapters in Florida during October. We talked about the technical communication opportunities in the area and where we see future opportunities. We also discussed how the Society for Technical Communication (STC) can work with the chapters.
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Management Workshop with STC Carolina
On August 18, 2012, I had the opportunity to lead a 4-hour Building and Managing Successful Teams workshop. I was impressed by the large number of attendees on a Saturday morning. The discussion was lively as we shared our leadership ideas and approaches. Through this discussion, we were able to learn from each other and identify new ways to help our teams work more effectively.
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