Positive, effective leadership is the key to success. Our team includes leaders from across the software industry. With self-motivated team members, we provide the complete solution you need without adding demands on your management team.
Paul Mueller
Paul Mueller is President of UserAid. Paul has experience managing information development, usability, and graphic design teams across the United States, Bolivia, and India. His versatile leadership makes him successful in building strong teams, identifying innovative ways to solve problems, and effectively delivering quality products. Paul received a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Mathematics from The Pennsylvania State University and has been involved in technical communication for more than 25 years. As one team member says:
“Paul is far and away the best manager I’ve ever had…a positive manager who provides leadership across the board.”
Paul has spoken frequently about embedded user assistance, tools and technologies, and various management topics at events, including WritersUA and Society for Technical Communication (STC) conferences. Methods to deliver information continue to change and our roles within our organizations also change. Many groups are taking ownership and responsibility for the complete user experience, rather than focusing on only the supporting documentation. Paul shares information about these changes and helps you continue to develop new, innovative ways of delivering information.
Paul is a Fellow of STC and he has served as a member of the Board and the STC Summit Conference Manager for the Society. Paul has also been active in his local STC community and has held many positions in the organization. Paul received the Distinguished Chapter Service Award in 2006.
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